List of Blue Screen Error Codes

List of Blue Screen Error Codes

A Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), technically called a STOP error, occurs when Windows suffers a serious error and is forced to "stop" completely.
Since a blue screen error gives you no choice but to restart, troubleshooting one can be difficult. Luckily, almost every STOP error includes a STOP code that can be used to research a fix.
Below are links to information on individual STOP errors including what each STOP code means and any troubleshooting information I have on that STOP error. I highly recommend checking for specific information on your particular STOP code first, but I have some general troubleshooting on my How To Fix a Blue Screen of Death page as well.
Tip: All STOP codes below are listed in order - see How To Count in Hexadecimal if you get lost trying to find yours. You may also search for the STOP code using the site search at the top of this page.
Image of a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 10 -

STOP Error 0x00000001 to STOP Error 0x0000005F

Here you'll find a complete list of STOP codes from STOP error 0x1 (0x00000001) to STOP error 0x5F (0x0000005F).
A common Blue Screen of Death you'll find in this list is 0x0000005C, a BSOD that's often caused by old versions of virtualization software or when a motherboard power connector is loose.
Another one is 0x00000005, a BSOD that's usually caused by very specific software problems. More »
Image of a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 10 -

STOP Error 0x00000060 to STOP Error 0x000000BF

Here's the complete list of STOP codes possible from STOP error 0x60 (0x00000060) to STOP error 0xBF (0x000000BF).
This range of STOP codes gets the honor of hosting the two most common BSODs ever: 0x7B & 0x8E.
The 0x0000007B BSOD is one that has many possible causes, so troubleshooting can be painstaking. Luckily, it's almost always solvable without having to replace anything or get service on your computer.
The other one, 0x0000008E, is usually due to failing computer memory but sometimes it's as simple as updating Windows. More »
Image of a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 10 -

STOP Error 0x000000C1 to STOP Error 0x0000011D

This piece contains the complete list of STOP codes from STOP error 0xC1 (0x000000C1) to STOP error 0x11D (0x0000011D).
These BSOD errors are less common and I don't currently have troubleshooting information for any of them, but they are "decoded" for you, which should help send you in the right direction.
Remember, check out How to Fix a BSOD for help if you don't dig up anything specific. More »
Image of a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 10 -

STOP Error 0x00000121 to STOP Error 0xC0000221

Here's a complete list of STOP codes from STOP error 0x121 (0x00000121) to STOP error 0xC0000221.
This is a much shorter range of BSOD codes (I know, it's hard to tell when you're looking at hexadecimal numbers!) but like the others up to this point, these STOP codes are fully explained to help you out. More »
Image of a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 10 -


Here's one that doesn't really fit with the rest: STOP error 0xDEADDEAD. This BSOD appears when someone deliberately initiates a crash dump from either the kernel debugger or the keyboard.
In other words - this BSOD appears when you purposefully cause a BSOD. Yes, that's possible!
See How to Fake a Blue Screen of Death. It's helpful to make sure that major error reporting is working properly in Windows but it's also just a fun prank.
Note: STOP code 0xDEADDEAD may also display "MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1" on the same STOP message. More »

Did I Miss a STOP Code?

If you've received a STOP error that I don't have the BSOD code for, please let me know! I'll add the STOP code to the appropriate list above and then publish whatever information on it that I can find.


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