40+ Programming Languages Ebooks Free Download
1. C Programming
C Programming is one of the Popular and most Wanted Programming language
ever, C is very useful to create Softwares and Programming Software,
mostly C Programming is widely used in Programming Linux, Windows and
- C Programming for Beginners
- C Programming Medium Level Tutorials
- C Sharp Programming Advance (C# Programming)
- Deep C Programming Advance
2. C++ Programming
C++ is the Next Generation of C. C and C++ not having much difference
but C++ is popular nowadays coz, easy to understand and easy to learn
C++ instead of C. C++ is from same category of Software Programming,
Mostly whatever program we use in Computer are designed and Created into
C++, I would prefer you to learn C++ Instead of C.
3. HTML Web Programming and Designing
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the web Programming language the
most most most useful and useable Web Programming language, Programmer,
hacker, developer everyone need to learn HTML. HTML is the Source and
Base of all Web Programming languages, If you don't know HTML then you
can't learn any Web Programming lang. I would prefer you to learn HTML
and HTML 5 before starting to Javascript or PHP.
4. Java Software Programming
I hope you might have heard what is Java, and what are the uses of Java,
if you don't know Download Java and While Installing you'll see it will
tell it's own features that Java run more then billions of Electronics
and every Connection and Programs, Java is there, Java is High Level
Programming Lanugage. Java is also very useful but I would prefer you to
learn Java Basic to have knowledge of Java Programming.
5. Javascript Web Programming + Designing
Now, Javascript - one of my fav Programming language. I would prefer you
to learn Javascript after HTML so you can be the Best Web Programmer. I
hope you can see a twitter bird flying on your Screen, just look on
page - that bird is designed and moving coz, of javascript whatever web
animations, widgets advance Web Application is running due to
Javascript. Facebook, G-mail, Yahoo every Site uses Javascript to make
their webpage more attractive, Understandable and Secure.
6. PHP + SQL + SQLi Programming
As you know that SQL is a Programming lang. of Database (Structured
Query Language) without SQL, we can't login to any website and access
our files. SQL is the most useable Pogramming lang. SQL is only use for
Database Structuring storing info data. Now PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor
or Personal Home Page) PHP is widely used in web applications to
connect with Server, Web Applications and SQL DB. PHP is really very
useful in Web Programming world, without PHP there could be nothing.
Every Hackers need to learn PHP,SQL and SQLI (SQL Injection).
7. Visual Basic Software Programming
Visual basics comes into Software Designing and Communicating Software
with User, Visual basic is the Base like HTML it is really very
interesting and it is ejoyable to create our own apps and software using
Visual Basic. Mostly Software were design and get contents through
visual Basic only, If you are newbie in Software programming then I'll
prefer you to learn Visual basic then C++, Python, C, C#, F# etc
8. Visual C++ Software Programming & Eng.
Visual C++ is the mixture and combination of Visual basic and C++ this
is called Visual C++, when you've make a advance Software that interface
with users and also have Good Programming Structure then Programmers
always use Visual C++ for Windows Software developement.
9. Windows Phone App Dev Programming Contents
Well, I was thinking to upload Android Software Dev Programming and
Sample programs but here you'll get a tough headache directly Jumping
Windows to Android :D.... well it is bit Interesting E-books to create
Windows Phone Games APP and the most Important thing in this that, I m
giving away 10 Sample Windows App and Games to learn and Program, well
you should download and try it
10. Python (Software programming)
Python is one of the most advance and Most adorable Programming language
it. It's just awesome since from 1990's. Python is a high level
programming language which increasingly popular. I have collected Some
Beginners and Medum level Python Programming E-books free which contains
lots of exercises, practices, example programs and many more. I hope
you'll like and Share it.
11. Batch File Programming (MS-DOS)
If you're Geek & learning CMD & MS-DOS Programming or going for
C++ or Advance programming language then I'll prefer you to start with
Batch File Programming it's easy to understand and simple coding method
with simple tricks and many cool stuffs, it's the first step to Enter's
into MS-DOS world. Batch file is commonly useful while using Windows
Platform OS.
12. Android Software Development (Apps)
Android is the biggest and largest Mobile OS running on our Planet,
Android run Millions of Gadgets, Smart Phones and therefore Android Apps
are widely used everywhere there are millions of Developer develop apps
daily and Publish on Google Play and Earn Money, Even you can do that
and earn money, but first of all you'll require Android App Dev Kit and
tutorials to dev Android Apps, Here I'd collected some E-books to make
Android Apps and Learn Android Software Programming.
13. Dot Net (.Net) Programming
.NET - The .NET Framework is a new computing platform developed by
Microsoft that simplifies application development in the highly
distributed environment of the internet. .NET is much more than just a
platform for developing for the internet, but it is intended for this
purpose predominantly, because here, others methods have failed in the
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